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Right to health care.

  1. To be admitted for quality medical care that is delivered with respect and compassion, provided in reasonable and safe accommodation and applied free from discrimination on grounds of your age, gender, ethnic, nationality, religion, social status, sexual preferences, physical disabilities, or mental disabilities.
  2. To know the identity, qualifications, and professional status of your attending physicians, nurses, and other members of the medical team.
  3. To be fully informed about your health status, including the medical facts about your condition and the proposed medical procedures together with the potential risks and benefits of each procedure. You will also be fully informed about any alternatives to the proposed procedures, including the effect of non-treatment and about the diagnosis, prognosis and progress of treatment. Any non-emergency invasive examination, treatment, surgery, or anesthesia may be done only subject to your consent.
  4. In circumstances where restrictions of freedom or isolation must be enforced to allow treatment, the medical team shall explain the reason to you or your relatives.
  5. With respect to self-determination, based on law, you have the right to refuse or to halt a medical intervention. The implications of refusing or halting such an intervention must be carefully explained to you. It should be noted that in these circumstances the hospital and medical team assume no responsibility for any eventual failure or unexpected outcome if you refuse or halt any appropriate medical intervention.
  6. Informed consent by the patient is a prerequisite for participation in scientific research. When a patient enrolls in scientific research, the individual may withdraw at any time without affecting his original right to treatment.
  7. To know your prescriptions, their effects and any other possible adverse effects related to their use.
  8. To choose and/or change your own physician or other health care provider in order to obtain a second opinion.
  9. To have full access to your medical files and technical records and to any other files and records pertaining to your diagnosis, treatment and care and to receive a copy of your own files and records or parts thereof.
  10. To have your privacy protected and to have your health status, medical condition, diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, and all other information of a personal nature treated as confidential.
  11. To be informed of the standard service charges and the details of any medical bills for which you become liable.
  12. To refuse CPR, to select hospice palliative care, to designate a legal representative, and to voluntarily register your wish with respect to organ donation.
  13. To file a complaint regarding any improper health care service. Your complaint will be handled promptly and fairly. For callers in Taipei City, please dial 1999 then press 888 for the complaint hotline. For callers outside of Taipei City, please dial (02)25553000.

Obligations of the patient.

  1. You will provide us with accurate health and medical information concerning any history of illnesses, medical treatments, allergies, and other specifics that may affect treatment.
  2. You will ensure that you fully understand the possible advantages and/or damage/risks of your decision prior to receiving or refusing recommended medical care.
  3. You will respect all medical professionals and not ask for a false statement or a fraudulent diagnosis.
  4. You will follow the prescribed medical treatment as we have recommended.
  5. You will not have expectations that there will be an impossible treatment outcome.
  6. You will make a sincere effort to pursue actions compatible with obtaining your own highest attainable level of health and will help to conserve medical resources.