Department of Chinese Medicine
At present the Traditional Chinese Medicine Department is staffed by 45 doctors, including 19 physicians in charge and 26 residents. Many of these staff members hold both Chinese and western medicine licenses, and have obtained medical specialty certifications in western medicine in areas such as internal medicine, dermatology, obstetrics and gynecology, etc. The Traditional Chinese Medicine Department is established inside every branch of Taipei City Hospital except the Song De Branch. In terms of clinical service, the outpatient service is the major activity of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Department. It treats over 40,000 outpatients per month. The inpatient service at present is offered by the western medicine departments and involves combining Chinese medicine treatments by Chinese Medicine department with western treatments. In addition, the postpartum care center will open in the near future. In terms of clinical diagnosis, in additional to following the diagnostic principles of traditional Chinese medicine, namely inspection, listening and olfaction, inquiry, and pulse-taking and palpation, the Traditional Chinese Medicine Department provides routine blood, urine, stool, biochemistry and immunoserological examinations as well as X-rays and E.K.G.s as needed. There are three outpatient outreach services for menopausal outpatient, hepatological outpatients and melancholia outpatients. Furthermore, the 19 special outpatient services are opened to the Traditional Chinese Medicine Department, not only for convenience of teaching, but also to differentiate our services from the competitive traditional Chinese medicine market. In teaching and training, the Traditional Chinese Medicine Department accepts student internships from the Chinese medicine departments of domestic medical colleges. It also accepts clerkships from the traditional Chinese medicine associations from domestic universities. In recent years the Traditional Chinese Medicine Department has begun to accept foreign physicians for internships. These individuals wish to study acupuncture and are medical school graduates from outside the country. In additional to the clinical teaching, the Traditional Chinese Medicine Department runs traditional Chinese medicine nursing courses at the School of Nursing, National Yang-Ming University and National Taipei College of Nursing. The goal of the training program for residents is that western and Chinese medicine are successfully combined. In the area of research, in addition to cooperating with the Clinical Trial Unit of National Taiwan University and Yang-Ming University, the Traditional Chinese Medicine Department is in the process of establishing the Chinese Medicine Research and Development Center together with the Chinese medicine branch. This will target the topical areas of acupuncture points for treating asthma and cosmetic medicine for skin whitening. At the same time, by the establishment of Biotechnology Center, we hope to encourage the Chinese Medicine Department staff to actively participate in research in this area. In the future, we hoped to improve cooperation with foreign Chinese medicine research institutes in order to expand our international vision.