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Department of Psychiatry

An Introduction to the Psychiatry Department of Taipei City Hospital
  • The Regional Psychiatric Service Network in Taiwan
    •  Taiwan is divided into seven areas for psychiatric care, in which there is a “core hospital ” in each of them.
    • Taipei City Hospital, Songde Branch, is the core hospital for the Taipei Area and serves a population of 7 million.
    • The roles of the core hospital are:
      • develop psychiatric manpower and facilities
      •  innovate in and improve on mental health programs
      •  coordinate all the mental health services to provide comprehensive and continuous care
      •  promote mental health education
      •  help upgrade the quality of care in private mental hospitals


  • Taipei City Hospital psychiatric service consists of
    •  Five General Hospitals
    •  Women and Children Hospital
    •  The Psychiatric Hospital


  • Psychiatric beds in Taipei City Hospital

psychiatric beds in taipei city hospital



  • General beds
    • Acute psychotic - 407
    • Chronic psychotic - 133
    • Total - 540
  • Special beds
    • Day care - 455
    • Intensive care unit - 12
    • ER observation - 16
    • Total - 483
  • Community psychiatric rehabilitation center - 287


  • Facilities
    •  Department of General Psychiatry
    •  Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
    •  Department of Psychosomatic Illness
    •  Department of Addictive Science
    •  Department of Community Psychiatry
    •  Alliance professionals
      • Occupational therapy
      • Clinical psychology
      • Psychiatric social work
      • Nursing


  • Our Missions
    •  To provides psychiatric services
    • To provides psychiatric resident training programs
    • To teach psychiatry within the medical education curriculum (Taipei Medical University), as clerkships and as internships
    • To carry out psychiatric research


  • Integrated Psychiatric Services of the “Taipei Model”
    •  Walk-in clinics
    •  Emergency services
    •  Psychiatric assessment and intensive care units
    •  Admission services
      •  Acute admission
      •  Neurotic ward
      •  Active rehabilitation services
      •  Day care
    • Community rehabilitation centers
    • Emergency outreach services
    • Community mental health services
    • Out-reach services

taipei model





  • Community psychiatric rehabilitation centers
    • Mission of community psychiatric rehabilitation
      • To provide convenient, efficient and continuous care.
      • To decrease the demand on psychiatric beds and to shorten hospital stays.
      • To share the care load of families.



community psychiatric rehabilitation centers

  • Fu-Chung Occupational Workshop (Capacity: 60)
  • Tsao-Shan Occupational Workshop (Capacity: 29)
  • Wen-Shan Occupational Workshop (Capacity: 99)
  • Hsin-Hu Occupational Workshop (Capacity: 99)





Wen-Shan Occupational Workshop

wen-shan occupational workshop


Tsao-Shan Occupational Workshop


tsao-shan occupational workshop


Hsin-Hu Occupational Workshop


hsin-hu occupational workshop


Fu-Chung Occupational Workshop




fu-chung occupational workshop