Heping Fuyou Branch (Fuyou)
Fuyou Branch Objectives Vision: Goals women and children, and to ensure quality service Department of Gynecology A. Maternity-period health care Premium health care related to pregnant women, high-risk pregnant women and reproductive medicine B. Women's health care Department of Genetic Health Department of Pediatrics Child Developmental Assessment & Intervention Center Child Developmental Assessment & Intervention Center of Taipei City Hospital provides children with special needs aged 0 to 12 and their families in the Greater Taipei area with a series of integral early intervention services. Our integrated full-time professional team includes child psychiatrist, child neurologist, pediatric physiatrist, pediatric genetics & endocrinologist, physical therapist, occupational therapist, speech and language pathologist, clinical psychologist, audiologist, nurse practitioner, special education teacher and social worker. Pertinent to the child’s condition and needs, our center provides exquisite multi-specialist joint clinics and trans-/inter-disciplinary team assessments, followed by comprehensive assessment reports, integrated intervention plan and programs, various parenting seminars, support groups, social resources referrals, as well as team case discussion. It is hoped that through our services--early detection, accurate diagnosis and early intervention, future handicap could be prevented, so that the children can develop their potentials, play their life roles and lead independent lives. This will in turn reduce burden of families, health care, education and social welfare in the future. Female Health Center In conclusion, our emphasis is on prevention, treatment, health care education and care that enhances the health of women, which further extends their lives, improves their standard of living and hopefully will approach the ultimate goal of enjoying a perfect life.
Women and Children's Health Center
Gynecology/Genetic Health/Pediatrics/Children's Physical and Mental Development Center
Women and Children's Health Center
Based on the core value of offering holistic nursing and care, we provide health care based on the life cycle from infancy to old age. We help with the prevention of common diseases among adolescents and adults, with pregnancy and postpartum management, with birth management among special female groups, with prenatal genetics examination, with infancy management, with genetics and rare disorder diagnosis and care, with mental health enhancement, with early stage treatment and prevention among infants and youths, with female cancer prevention (including breast cancer, cervical cancer and other related female cancers), with menopause health and aging prevention, with the treatment and protection of female urological diseases. etc. We are here to fulfill our duty, which is to offer comprehensive health care to women and children - our future leaders.
C. Provide care related to infertility and reproduction.
Genetic counseling, prenatal genetic screening and examination, family planning, focused care for teenagers, help to newlywed women, help to mentally challenged and retarded women, family planning for new immigrants, and general genetic health.
Infant health care including preventive health care, infant care, infant and children's diseases, high-risk premature infants and rare/genetic disease screening and care.