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Disease Control and Prevention

Heping Fuyou (Heping) Branch

Edited by: Taipei City Hospital Heping Fuyou(Heping) Branch
Updated Date: 11th of November, 2010

Caring for the disadvantaged and the fulfilment of society duties as a public branch
Integrating community medication systems and promoting community healthcare quality

To provide holistic care, carry out a search for excellence, and to promote the health of the community

Become a community medical centre
Construct a citizen-centred public health system

Community intimacy
Woman and children being our first priority
Infectious diseases expertise
Outstanding service quality

Special Centres at the Heping Fuyou (Heping) Branch
Centre for Disease Control and Prevention
Respiratory Care Centre
Plastic Surgery Centre
Nephrology Department
Nursing Home

Centre for Disease Control and Prevention
Ever since the outbreak of SARS in Taiwan, the Heping Branch has been recognized as a pioneer in the field of infectious disease prevention and was appointed by the Department of Health, Taipei City Government as the key hospital within the Infectious Disease Prevention Network of the North Region of Taipei. At the same time, the Heping Branch has formed an alliance with Taipei Wan-Fang Municipal Hospital, focusing on establishing treatments and nursing systems for multi-drug resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB). With a complete nursing environment and professional caring teams, tuberculosis patients are sure to have excellent care.
Heping Branch currently comprises 77 negative-pressured isolation wards with 199 beds, plus a fever triage centre that will function during epidemic periods. These units enable Heping to be marked as the hospital with the most isolation rooms in the Taipei region. Over recent years, Heping has played an essential role offering diagnoses and treatments of tuberculosis, and it is Heping’s responsibility to receive patients bearing any infectious diseases from all different levels of hospital in the Taipei region.

Respiratory Care Centre (RCC)
The Respiratory Care Centre is equipped with 10 operational beds and has professional medical treatment teams composed of thoracic physicians, respiratory therapists, dieticians, pharmacists and social workers whose aim is to help the patients progress towards breathing independently without relying on respirators. The Respiratory Care Centre provides acute and concentrated care for patients recovering from critical breathing problems. By provide respiratory therapies and professional intensive care, RCC teams aim to cure the patients so that they can removed from a respirator as early as possible.

Plastic Surgery Centre
The Plastic Surgery Centre comprises top medical professionals from both the Dermatology and Plastic Surgery Departments. It provides safe and reliable medical services for its customers. Special Medical Treatments provided by the Plastic Surgery Centre include:

  1. Alpha hydroxyl acid treatment, anti-aging therapy, vitamin C beautifying treatments, whitening, wrinkle removal, cuticle removal, minimization of pores, removal of acne scars, darkening of the skin, etc.
  2. Laser surgery and dermabrasion are particular effective at curing black spots, large pores, scars, darkening of the skin, age spots, tattoos, changing eyebrows and eye lines, lightening birthmarks, wrinkle removal, mole removal, etc.
  3. Botulinum toxin injection can be an excellent wrinkle remover.
  4. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy helps to heal the wounds by enhancing the revitalization of the skin structure, which is particular useful ahen healing the wounds cause by diabetes, long term unhealed wounds, chronic bone marrow infection, carbon monoxide poisoning, structural damage due to radioactivity, clostridia myonecrosis, dizziness, tinnitus, etc.
  5. Diagnosis of aging skin, skin diseases, skin cancer and skintumour.
  6. Plastic surgery of the eyelids, liposuction, breast implants, face lifts, hyaluronic acid injections, etc.

Nephrology Department
The nephrology Association has approved the Heping Branch to offer physician training on blood and abdomen dialysis. Other than putting efforts into enhancing dialysis standards and nursing quality, the Nephrology Department is also dedicated to “Chronic Kidney Disease Health and Prevention”. This involves the establishment of an overall medical care and health care system to ensure a betternursing quality for patients with chronic kidney diseases in order to minimize the occurrence of later stage kidney disease. Heping Branch aims that the Nephrology Department should cooperate with the tourist industries in western Taipei in order to develop medical tourism with haemodialysis services offered to more patients.

Special Medical Services of Nephrology Departmet:

1. Kidney sectioning
2. Long-term care services for chronic kidney disease patients
3. Blood dialysis treatment of patients with severe disease condition and TB
4. Medical tourism: dialysis service
5. Blood/abdomen dialysis treatments
6. Plasma exchange

Nursing Home
    Heping Nursing Home was officially re-established on the 8th of July, 2010, after a shutdown due to the SARS outbreak. There are 41 beds are available for the elderly who need long-term care and with the belief “Treat with love, respect their lives, continue their care, and provide for the elderly”, the Nursing Home looks after residents for 24 hours every day and night. The Nursing Home is famous for its warm family-like atmosphere. It is composed of professional medical teams that enable each resident to have a second home in life, and to have a bunch of trustworthy family.


disease control and prevention