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Chinese Herbal Medicine is better decocted in covered earthen pots

      Chen Yijing, Director of the Pharmacy Division at the Chinese Medicine Department of the Linsen Branch of Taipei City Hospital, reminds people to pay attention to cooking ware, water used and duration during herbal medicine decocting, as well as the method for taking the medicine.

      Cooking ware: covered earthen pots are recommended

Earthen pots, ceramic jars, glass and stainless steel products are best used for decocting, while aluminum, iron or copper pots should be avoided as chemical reactions could occur between the herbal medicine and the metals, which may reduce the efficacy of the medicine.

      Water used: cold boiled water is recommended

The water can be used as long as it is odorless, clean and clear, contains minerals but with few impurities. It is recommended to use cold boiled water where the chlorine has almost evaporated.

      The herbal medicine should not be soaked in water during cleaning; rather, it should be soaked in cold water covering 2-3cm higher for 30 minutes after cleaning before being decocted. Do not soak the medicine in hot water to prevent the proteins in the medicine from coagulating due to being heated suddenly and consequently releasing the active ingredients of the medicine.

      Method for taking the medicine

As the concentration of the first decoction and the second decoction differ, it is suggested to mix them together and then take the liquid medicine twice or three times a day according to the instructions of the doctor. If it is to be taken twice, after mixing, heat one portion and drink it, with the other portion placed in the refrigerator, and then heated in an electric cooker when it is time to drink it. If you cannot stand the flavor of the medicine, it is not suggested to add sugar unless instructed by a doctor or pharmacist. Instead, you may drink a small amount of warm water after taking the medicine to water down the bitter taste.